Tuesday, October 20, 2009

MotionPlus Gets an A+

Almost everyone has played the Wii at least once since it was released back in 2006. The most popular game is probably Wii Sports which comes bundled with the system itself. To this day, it still remains very popular and almost anyone can tell you that they love Wii Bowling. Even in senior citizen centers, Wii Sports is everywhere. However, the newest accessory for the Wii, the "Wii MotionPlus", allows for a whole slew of new games to be played thanks to its new technology.

The Wii MotionPlus is a small add-on that attaches to the bottom of the Wiimote where you would plug in the nunchuck extension. With this piece of equipment, the motion sensing becomes more of a 1:1 ratio literally mimicking whatever the controller does on screen. This new accessory comes bundled with the newly released Wii Sports Resort. Thanks to the new technology, new games such as basketball, frisbee, wakeboarding, and my personal favorite archery are now possible.

When I first started playing Wii Sports Resort, I was surpirsed at how accurate the Wii was able to pick up my movements. Not surprising, I instantly excelled past my older sister at nearly every sport including archery. In order to do the archery portion of the game, you simply hold the controller vertically directly in front of you in one hand and hold A, in the other hand you have the nunchuck and hold Z, then you pull the nunchuck back, aim, and release Z and watch your arrow soar through the screen.

I actually really enjoy this new addition because it makes the Wii even more interactive than it was before. This definitely adds something to the Wii that it didn't have. Even if you think its nothing special, it is nice to have some new sports to play besides the tired old bowling, golf, and tennis (all of which are included in Wii Sports Resort except tennis which has now become TABLE tennis.)

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, although I have sports resorts, I havent' had time to give it a good test run. If I didn't have papers to grade, I'd bring it out today!
    We should play this in class
